Sunday, March 25, 2007

Spring Ephemerals

Take a look at this picture. Notice the lovely pale blue sky and light cloud cover, the bare stark branches of the deciduous forest, the slight hint of green lurking underneath it all. I just took this picture at our house in Indiana. It is the 25th of March at around 6 in the evening.

What do you suppose the temperature to be? 40 degrees Fahrenheit? 50 degrees? sixty? Oh, ok maybe it's a remarkable 70 degrees Fahrenheit this fourth day of spring. By the way, it was in the teens just a few days ago.

No, the temperature here at this moment is an astounding and worrisome 85 degrees!

All the spring ephemerals, just now pushing up from the forest floor, are looking heat stricken. I can relate.

This is where we are moving this spring:

I guess we're ephemeral too.

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